~ biRthday giRL ~
aRi nie besday nana tp x tau nk wat ape...si jane plak cuti smpi aRi isnin...h0neym0on kt PD...hampeh jeR...slalunyeR kl0 besday2 nie, die yG expeRt...
s0, aku planninG nGn apis, nk wat supRise biRthday paRty utk nana...abes jeR 1st split, g makan dulu kt pulau nGn apis n celly pastu tr0s g ampanG paRk...mula2 g kinG confectioneRy pilih cake...adeR chEese cake, bluebeRry cake, blaCkf0rest cake, ch0c cake n manG0 cake....

dh naek muak mkn kek c0klat...s0, decide nk pilih cake mang0 plak...sedapnyeR...

pastu singGah jap kt TC permata ampanG paRk nk beli mknn sampinGan...pusinG2 n pilih ker0p0k mamee, cheezels, muRuku ikan, ap0ll0 waffles n aiR k0tak 0ren delight...k0rg makanla smpai lebam yE...

s0, k0l 3.45 staRt wat...saRa g sembanG nGn nana k0n0nnyeR nk c0veRline...aku beRtindak sBgi pembawa cake...s0, budak2 laen p0n beRkumpul n then....
happy biRthday to y0u...
happy biRthday t0 y0u...
happy biRthday to NANA...
happy biRthday to y0u...
to nana:
happy biRthday...
sem0ga sihat2 selalu n muRah Rezeki...
senyum s0km0...
xm0 sedih2...
be str0nG...
be g0od guRL...
jGn mkn A.Y.A.M (mak k0 pesan kt kt0rg)
diet lebih sket...


yG pentinG adeR minah tue d0k tayanG baju baRu...
nk tnye sket, tue sweateR keR geb0R??
santek keR??


kocekku sayang.. thanks a lot..
thanks 4 being a good friend ..
cayang kamoo..
sama2 kembali...
cayanG kam0 Gak!!!~
Nana heppy belated buffday..
sedeynyerr pic aku tak der..
sesuwaila nGn muka k0..
sp sur0 cuti time tue...
Ur r being tagg. refer my bloger for instruction.!!!!
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